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  3. DeviceXPlorer OPC Server Ver.7.2.1 is released.

DeviceXPlorer OPC Server Ver.7.2.1 is released.


We released new version "Ver.7.2.1" of industrial communication software "DeviceXPlorer OPC Server".

In this version, improving specifications and fixing bugs, so upgrading is recommended.

Main bug fixes

  • Fixed the problem where an application error occurred during the verification process of license information. (Target version: 7.1.1-7.2.0)
  • Fixed the problem where a pop-up to verify the connection is sometimes displayed, even when the settings tool and runtime have the same settings.
  • Fixed the problem with X509 user authentication where the node could not be accessed during connection. (Target version: 7.0.0-7.2.0)
  • Fixed the problem where time information embedded in sent messages was being displayed in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) instead of local time. (Target version: 7.1.0-7.2.0)
  • Fixed the problem where the time information from the server was being output in the sent message, even when time information was embedded in the tag. (Target version: 7.1.0-7.2.0)


For detailed information, please check following page.


It is possible to update to the latest version from Ver.7.0 with the patch module "DeviceXPlorer OPC Server V7.2.0 Patch4".