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  3. Can DeviceXPlorer OPC Server be started as a Windows service program?

Can DeviceXPlorer OPC Server be started as a Windows service program?


There are differences in how to register DeviceXPlorer OPC Server as a Windows service program depending on the version.

Version 7

  1. Close the setting tool and exit the runtime process on Task Manager.
    • DeviceXPlorer_Setting.exe
    • DeviceXPlorer_Runtime.exe
  2. Launch the setting tool with [Run as administrator] menu.
  3. Specify the startup file path and change the process setting in Common Properties.
  4. The settig will be effective after restarting the runtime.
  5. Stop the runtime process from [Runtime] menu of the setting tool. Please check Task Manager to see if the runtime process has been terminated properly.
  6. Connect the runtime process from [Runtime] menu of the setting tool.
  7. You will see that the runtime [DeviceXPlorer OPC Server 7] is registered as a Windows service program in Services.

Version 6

  1. Launch DeviceXPlorer OPC Server with [Run as administrator] menu.
  2. Specify the startup file path and change the process setting in Common Properties.
  3. The settig will be effective after closing the application. Close the DeviceXPlorer OPC Server. 
  4. You will see that [DeviceXPlorer OPC Server 6] is registered as a Windows service program in Services.