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  3. 【For Ver.7】What is Runtime?

【For Ver.7】What is Runtime?


The setting and runtime are separated and run separately from Ver.7 and later.
This requires a connection between the setting and the runtime.

Setting is a configuration tool that allows you to make settings on the screen.
The runtime is the execution engine that executes the settings configured in the configuration tool.
The runtime updates the runtime settings each time the settings are changed, and the runtime settings are always saved.


The runtime connection procedure is as follows.

Runtime Connection Procedure

  1. Select "Runtime" → "Connect" from the menu of the setting screen.


  2. Select  " Setting Tool  ->  Runtime "  or  " Runtime  ->  Setting Tool "  

    • " Setting Tool  ->  Runtime "

      The settings in the configuration tool are reflected in the runtime side of the connection.

    • " Runtime -> Setting Tool "

      Reads the runtime settings and reflects them in the configuration tool for connection.
      *The runtime updates the runtime settings each time the settings are changed, and the runtime settings are always saved.


  3. Check if the message "Runtime connected" is displayed at the lower right corner of the screen.

Notes on using the demo version

In the demo version, all functions can be evaluated for 3 continous hours.
The setting and the runtime are separated from ver.7 so that only closing and opening the setting screen again do not restart the server. The application can be restarted by selecting "Runtime" →"Restart" from the menu of the setting screen. Then the Demo version can be run another 3 hours.

*Please note that an administrator need to restart the application when the runtime service is started.