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  2. FAQ
  3. Information required in case of software key trouble

Information required in case of software key trouble


To check your software key status, please take the following captures and log file, and send us.

  1. Log file of application (DeviceXPlorer OPC Server)
  2. "CodeMeter Control Center" capture
  3. WebAdmin [Dashboard] capture
  4. WebAdmin [Container] capture of each container's "Licenses" tab are opened.
  5. WebAdmin [License Monitoring] capture
  6. The log file collected by execute "CmDust" from the start menu. (CmDust-Result.log)
    The Event Log in this log file may be initialized by restarting the PC.
    To avoid initialization, start "CodeMeter Control Center" from the start menu and operate with [File] -> [Logging] enabled.
    By enabling logging, the file "CodeMeterYYYY-MM-DD-hhmmss.log" remains in "C:\ProgramData\CodeMeter\Logs". Please send this file as well.