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  3. When the architecture (x86/x64) of DeviceXPlorer OPC Server and OpcEnum is different

When the architecture (x86/x64) of DeviceXPlorer OPC Server and OpcEnum is different


We provide DeviceXPlorer OPC Server in 32bit version and 64bit version. It can be selected and set up either of the version when you install it.

To connect OPC Server using OPC Classic interface such as OPC DA using COM/DCOM, OpcEnum service is required. OpcEnum provides a function to enumerate OPC Servers installed in the PC.

OPC Client connects with OPC Server via OpcEnum service which detecting the CID from the ProgID.

There are 32-bit and 64-bit version of OpcEnum service.

Check the architecture of OpcEnum

The architecture of OpcEnum on 64-bit OS can be checked on "Path to executable" in the properties of OpcEnum in Windows Service.

The path name for each version are as follows;
C:\Windows\OpcEnum.exe        : 64bit version
C:\Windows\SysWOW64\OpcEnum.exe   : 32bit version

Architectural Mismatch between DeviceXPlorer OPC Server and OpcEnum

Normally, the architecture of DeviceXPlorer OPC Server must be the same as the one of OpcEnum. However, depending on the architecture of the OPC Client, these architectures may not match.

In such a case, by registering the following registry key, DeviceXPlorer OPC Server can be enumerated by OpcEnum and be connected by the OPC Client.

Registry Key Registration File

Version Purpose Download
DeviceXPlorer OPC Server Ver.7 (32 bit version)

When using OpcEnum 64bit version.

DeviceXPlorer OPC Server Ver.7 (64 bit version)

When using OpcEnum 32bit version.

DeviceXPlorer OPC Server Ver.6 (32 bit version)

When using OpcEnum 64bit version.

DeviceXPlorer OPC Server Ver.6 (64 bit version)

When using OpcEnum 32bit version.

DeviceXPlorer OPC Server Ver.5 (32bit version)

When using OpcEnum 64bit version.

DeviceXPlorer OPC Server Ver.5 (64bit version)

When using OpcEnum 32bit version.
