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  2. FAQ
  3. About costs and rules for upgrade.

About costs and rules for upgrade.


About OPC Server version upgrading, costs and rules differ according to the following 3 patterns.
Check the following patterns depending on the type of license you have.

1. License with maintenance
2. License without maintenance and Ver.5 or earlier
3. License without maintenance and Ver.6 or later

1. License with maintenance

Regardless of the version, you can upgrade as many times with free of charge within the maintenance period.
The maintenance period cannot be extended after purchase.
After the maintenance period expired, please purchase the upgrading product (-V) with the same rules as 2 or 3 below.

2. License without maintenance and Ver.5 or earlier

The upgrade that 3rd or 4th digit of version changing, can be upgraded with free of charge by applying the patch module.
On the other hand, the upgrade that 1st or 2nd digit of version changing, please purchase the upgrade product (-V).
In addition, for the upgrade that only 2nd digit of version changing, you can receive the free version upgrade once within one year after purchase.

3. License without maintenance and Ver.6 or later

Excepts major version upgrade (1st digit of version changing), can be upgraded with free of charge by applying the patch module.
For major version upgrade, please purchase the upgrade product (-V).


Note that the "serial number" and "user registration" are required for version upgrade which using the license with maintenance,
or purchase the upgrade products (-V).